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Winchester Railway ModellersWinchester Railway ModellersWinchester Railway Modellers

 Winchester Railway Modellers
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June - Aug 2024

We are at various locations as we establish a new routine. This programme is subject to change at short notice.  Room from 7:30  unless stated.

Please note no guests when meeting is held at a members house. 

      Topic Lead Where
Wed May 29 Introduction to Airbrushing   Tubbs Hall, Kings Worthy SO23 7PJ
Wed June 5 Open Session - new layout & modular layout discussion Nick Bev & Jerry's
Wed   12 Practical modelling session - Bring , Do and Ask   Colden Common Community Centre  SO21 1UU
Wed   19 Drawing for 3D printing Dave Bev & Jerry's
Wed   26 Weathering (1) Clive Wa Cranbury Room, The Hilt, SO53  5NP
Wed July 3 new layout design session John Bev & Jerry's
Sat & Sun   6 & 7 Micheldever station open day - modelling support    
Wed   10 Show & Tell   Tubbs Hall, Kings Worthy SO23 7PJ
Sat   13 Visit to Bluebell Line    
Wed   17 Transfers Tony Colden Common Community Centre  SO21 1UU
Sun   21 Winchester GOG open day   Otterbourne VHillage Hall
Wed   24 Wagon Clinic and wagon rakes Mike Cranbury Room, The Hilt, SO53  5NP
Sat & Sun   27-28 Shawton at  New Milton    
Wed   31 Practical modelling session - Bring , Do and Ask   Tubbs Hall, Kings Worthy SO23 7PJ
Wed Aug 7 if dry:    An evening with Clive and Jenny Clive Clive & Jenny's
    7 if wet:    RCH and PO wagons Nick Bev & Jerry's
All Week   12-18 Redbridge at Bishopstoke Evangelical Church Hall    Bishopstoke Evangelical Church Hall
Wed   14 Redbridge Running Night Clive  Bishopstoke Evangelical Church Hall
Sat   17 Redbridge Wharf Open Day    Bishopstoke Evangelical Church Hall
Wed   21 new layout design session John Tubbs Hall, Kings Worthy SO23 7PJ
Wed   28 Weathering (2) Clive Cranbury Room, The Hilt, SO53  5NP
Wed Sept 4 Either RCH and PO wagons or General chat   Bev & Jerry's
Wed   11 Show & Tell John  
Wed   18 Buiildings (1) planning and Mock up Mike  

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