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Winchester Railway ModellersWinchester Railway ModellersWinchester Railway Modellers

 Winchester Railway Modellers
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Chairman's Chatter is compiled quarterly, in February, May, August and November by our Chairman John Shaw. John summarizes the latest developments in the club covering general news, exhibition reports, developments in the clubs three layouts, and any other notices. To view a Chairman's Chatter simply click the relevant link, or scroll down for the latest edition.
Nov 04 Feb 05 Aug 05 Nov 05 May 06 Nov 06 Feb 07 May 07 Aug 07 Nov 07
Feb 08 May 08 Aug 08 Nov 08 Feb 09 May 09 Aug 09 Nov 09 Feb 10 May 10
Aug 10 Nov 10 Feb 11 May 11 Aug 11 Nov 11 Feb 12 May 12 Aug 12 Nov 12

Feb 2013

The award of the trophies will be made at the Dinner so I am not able to reveal the winners yet. Eddie, Peter and I have spent some time deciding a worthy winner for each trophy, which is hard when we are lucky enough to have many talented modellers within the club.

It was very pleasing to receive from ‘Railway Modeller’, the award for “Best Layout” at Alton as a lot of hard work by a lot of members resulted in a satisfactory running session and a fairly trouble free exhibition. A newspaper cutting is in the clubroom for those interested.

OO Gauge Matters

Redbridge Group on Yahoo

The WRM 00 Group has been set up on Yahoo. This is effectively the “library” for all things Redbridge and uploads already include: track plans; fiddle yard plans, photographs, signalling diagrams etc.
This format allows easy access for an approved person that joins the Group to view the data and upload further information.
 Fiddle Yard Plan
After several drafts and evaluation of factors such as: traffic movements, space available, baseboard design, track, point locations, sizes for transport etc, a track plan has been finalised.
As reported in the last CC, after the baseboards are constructed, a “simple” circuit of track will be laid to allow a continuous run through Redbridge. This will greatly assist testing of the main boards and eventually allow Itchen Vale to be removed

Track work

There has been further progress with track laying and associated point motors and wiring. Detailed plans have also been produced that provide a detailed record of all cables and locations of wire connections to track work and points.
Progress continues on ballasting, painting, and weathering of track in the yard.


Work has been progressed on the baseboards, particularly the major board that contains the causeway and A35 road flyover. This work has included a cardboard mock-up of the bridge.
A major “working party” will shortly be convened to construct the remaining scenic and associated daughter boards. These will largely follow the “design” that was developed for the initial boards.


Work has commenced on the construction of the platforms. Sidewalls and platform surface supports have been installed. 

Work in Progress

In addition to the baseboard construction, very important decisions will shortly be made to finalise the sizes/locations of the major works buildings. This will allow the final yard track work and points to be completed, wired, wreathed, ballasted etc.

EM gauge Matters 

Mick and Peter C have been discussing new supporting legs for the layout. These will be constructed very soon.Meanwhile, Peter B has built and installed the cattle dock

O gauge Matters 

Our recent, award winning  exhibition was one of the most enjoyable to be party to. It was not too far from home, the stock and layout performed well and the operators achieved some excellent running. Work now commences on the link to Canal Junction followed by the extra logic required to try DCC operation on the branch.

Other Business 

Dare I mention the Summer Party? Hoping for some warmer weather soon and we shall need a venue for the party and of course a suitable date.


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